Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, September 8, 2023
The Church of God Has Been Turned Upside Down by the Enemy
Message from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of September 6, 2023

I am the Good Shepherd, the One who will soon join you in your missions.
My children, beloved Children,
evil reigns over the whole earth, this is the time of great sorrows, have love for Me, and for yourselves, put yourselves in a position to serve Me in obedience. Beloved Children, O you who follow in My footsteps, verily I say unto you:
place yourselves before Me and scrupulously follow what I send you through My prophets. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are about to come to you: you will be transfigured in Me and you will be God's blessed ones. Mary Most Holy, in her Mission, as Coredemptrix will put you in a situation of Children of God; you will know My Plan thoroughly and put yourselves in perfect love to Me.
I, as God and Big Brother, urge you to be ready, with staff in hand, hips girded and sandals on your feet, for the hour of destruction comes suddenly. Let your charity be to Me, give Me your all, serve Me in faithfulness and love. I will recognize My elect and take them with Me, where they will dwell their endless days in My infinite Beauty, you will be part of Me, you will be in Me forever. Enjoy now these last days of peace because the storm will suddenly break out and those who have not been in love with Me will suffer the scourge that will descend.
My beloved Children, to you I have entrusted this Divine Project of Mine: ...a Project of love and salvation! Show yourselves benign to Me and follow My directions. May My shelters be ready for the beginning of the true mission. Mary Most Holy will be with you and guide you to the final battle against Satan, then the upheaval will be total. I have warned you!
God has spoken to men again:
listen My children, that My blessing may come in you! Do not lose yourselves in the hands of Lucifer! Everything is ready to unleash the final battle. God's Church has been twisted by the enemy: his ministers have given themselves to Satan; they serve him in My place!!! Be careful not to fall completely into his hands, for you will be led with him to Hell." The Good Shepherd.
Source: ➥